1:1 mind-body coaching

Be Free from Fatigue & Pain

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I help people recover from chronic fatigue & pain so they can live fully-expressed lives.  

I know what it’s like to be consumed by fatigue, pain, anxiety and insomnia. You’re worried you’ve overdone it, fearful of being crushed by another bout. You forget your reason for being. Or you’re too mired down to enjoy your precious days. But some part of you remembers you’re more than your limitations. Something in you knows you can recover.


I’ll carry a torch and show you a new way.
Mind-Body Coaching can help you:

  • Experience more energy, ease & wellbeing.

  • Retrain your brain for wellbeing.           

  • Move from feeling stuck to being empowered.

  • Feel & process stored emotions & trauma.

  • Find peace of mind even in challenge.  

  • Calm your nervous system & danger alarm signal.  

  • Return to activities you enjoy.

  • Live your potential.


hi friend, i’m rebecca.

I’m living proof that you can get your life back.

I’d seen more than fifty doctors and healers before I finally got well. To my surprise, a mind-body coach finally helped me  recover from disabling fatigue, pain, insomnia, brain fog and digestive woes. After my recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it’s my heart’s joy to share this with you.  

As long as a serious diagnosis has been ruled out by a doctor, this work may help people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME), Fibromyalgia, chronic back, neck, shoulder, pelvic or body pain, tension or migraine headaches, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive issues, interstitial cystitis and other stress-related conditions.


client love

“My pain got worse and worse and I could see myself falling away. Then a miracle happened and that miracle was Rebecca Tolin. From our coaching sessions, my life is changed forever. When we started, I couldn't do any physical activities or exercise. Within a few months of working together, I started running and doing push ups! I can't stress how much of a miracle this is. I now run three miles a day six days a week.”

- Nick, Business Owner


It’s not that your body is broken.
Your brain needs attention too.

rebecca tolin mind body coach chronic fatigue pain natural healing

In modern times, we’re bombarded with psychological stress. But we’re not encouraged to feel our feelings as they arise. Imagine telling your boss you need an emotional processing day. So we push down anger, fear and sadness. 

But our primitive brain—designed to escape giant bears and saber-toothed cats—can’t differentiate between emotional stress and physical threats. It sends danger signals, in the form of pain, fatigue, anxiety and other symptoms, just like it does if we touch a hot pot. 


But, the brain can get stuck in these patterns through learned neural pathways, long after the stress has passed - whether it be an injury, illness or upset. Doctors call this Mind-Body Syndrome or neural pathway pain. The pioneering physician Dr. John Sarno originally named it Tension Myoneural Syndrome, or TMS.

In this new paradigm of healing, we can rewire our brains for wellbeing by feeling our emotions and soothing our nervous system. We become free from fatigue and pain. We become our own medicine. 

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what you’ll get from monthly programs

 ‘Be Free From Fatigue & Pain’ includes:

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  • Questionnaire to assess your situation

  • Initial consultation

  • One-on-one coaching sessions

  • Somatic audio meditations to calm nervous system

  • Handouts on mind-body healing practices and principles

  • A committed partner to help you work through blocks

  • My intention for your well-being on all levels


2 Month Program


4 coaching sessions 
3 audio meditations

We meet 2 times / month for
2 months over Zoom


3 Month Program


6 coaching sessions
4 audio meditations

We meet 2 times / month for
3 months over Zoom


4 Month Program


8 coaching sessions
5 audio meditations

We meet 2 times / month for
4 months over Zoom.


Individual 60-min session $170


HERE’S HOW mind-body coaching WORKS

01. Story

We dive into your personal story. Not just your symptoms but your emotional state when they started. Once your physician has ruled out a serious illness, we seek evidence of stress-induced symptoms through a detailed questionnaire, consult and discussion.

02. Science

You learn how the brain creates all pain, whether there’s physical injury or psychological stress. Knowing your symptoms are temporary and benign can turn down your flight or fight response. Once you understand the cause of your symptoms, we work with the underlying root. 

03. Mind

We retrain your subconscious mind that it’s safe through affirmations, journaling, imagination and mind-body tools to lower fear and learn wellbeing. We become mindful of patterns that trigger our symptoms, such as pushing, pressure and perfectionism.


04. Body

Trauma and repressed emotions are stored in the body. Feeling them is essential and transformative. We work with physical and emotional sensations through somatic tracking, memory, breath and sound. This deep work tells our brain that we’re paying attention.

05. Spirit

We receive intuition through our body, such as gut instincts. As we feel our emotions, we open to a storehouse of inner wisdom. We learn to choose the people, purposes and places that light us up. We reconnect with the guiding principles of our true self and our spirit. 

06. Life

   You’ve embraced your emotions and shifted thought patterns. It’s time to return to the activities you enjoy! We do this in steps with indifference to symptoms, which teaches the brain it’s safe to move again. I’ll help you expand your range and create a fully-expressed life.


client love

 “Rebecca shows kindness for the parts of myself that are painful to explore. Learning to accept my emotions has surprisingly made my symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, brain fog and IBS decrease. It’s opened up my world.”

- Heather Young, Bookkeeper


This may be your remedy if you say yes to these:

  • I’ve chased enough miracle cures for the rest of my life.

  • I sense a mind-body connection but don’t know where to start.

  • I’m a believer in TMS and Dr. John Sarno but can’t seem to make it work for me.

  • I’m ready to explore my thoughts and emotions for deep healing.

  • Inner peace, introspection and transformation. Yes, please!

This may not be your Rx if you say yes to these:

  • Give me the silver bullet. I don't want to feel anything.

  • It’s a coincidence that my back pain started when my child had a tantrum in front of my boss and I lost my job.

  • Doesn’t all healing come from a white coat and a stethoscope?

  • I don’t have time for my thoughts and emotions!

  • I suffer from depression or anxiety (which is best treated by a therapist.)


Could you see your symptoms as a gateway to deep healing and spiritual growth?

We’ve been told that something or someone else holds the key to our health. As you’ve probably realized, the answer isn’t a touted herb, fad diet or short-lived injection. You have the power to heal inside you. Conditions that can benefit from this work include:

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Interstitial cystitis

  • TMJ syndrome

  • Chronic tendonitis

  • Repetitive strain injury

  • Insomnia

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

  • Tension or migraine headaches

  • Back pain, neck pain, whiplash, knee pain 

  • Chronic pelvic pain syndromes, Vulvodynia

  • Complex regional pain syndrome

  • Myofascial pain syndrome

  • Hypersensitivity syndromes

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Why do you offer monthly programs rather than individual sessions?

People see better results when they commit to this transformative work. It can take time to understand and accept that we have a mind-body condition, shift our thought patterns, rewire neural networks, feel safe enough to allow our emotions and change our behaviors. I love working deeply with clients and give my all to those who sign up for my signature program 'Be Free from Fatigue & Pain'. After our package, our work is complete and I encourage clients to enjoy their lives!

What if I want to try out one session?

I offer a single 60-minute session for $150 so you can try this work and see if we're a match. That doesn’t include audio meditations and email support in my 'Be Free from Fatigue & Pain' programs. Note that I give scheduling priority to clients who sign up for packages! But I do encourage you to purchase a single session before a package to be sure this work resonates with you.

How and when do I pay?

I accept PayPal, Venmo, Zelle or personal check. Full payments are due prior to the start of a session or monthly program. Fees for 3, 6 and 9-month programs are paid in one lump sum, but can be split into two payments if needed.

Can my brain really cause pain or fatigue?

The pain or fatigue are 100% real and you feel them in the body. But stress-related symptoms are generated by the brain. When our nervous system gets activated, our brain can alter blood flow, hormones and nerve wiring patterns, causing pain, fatigue, tingling, burning, headaches, anxiety, insomnia and more.

Your symptoms started after a stressful period, even an injury or illness, but never went away. You’ve tried other treatments, diets or supplements without success. The symptoms shift around the body or come and go. They may flare up with emotional stress. You’ve experienced one or more stress-related conditions (such as back pain and headaches or fibromyalgia and anxiety). You have symptoms even when you anticipate doing something, such as riding your bike. These are a few pointers.

Yes, we share some of these traits: conscientious, perfectionistic, self-critical or self-pressuring, people with high standards who want to do good and be liked, and have a tendency to hold in emotions. When internal stress builds, it can express physically, especially if it’s not felt emotionally. We also know children who experience neglect or abuse have much higher rates of chronic pain, and other stress-related symptoms, later in life.

Why should I spend money on coaching over treatments or supplements?

I understand what a financial toll chronic fatigue or pain can take! I spent several hundred thousand dollars on doctors, holistic treatments and a cabinet of supplements that didn’t help me recover. They also kept me feeling sick and broken. With mind-body work, we let go of treatments we don’t need (i.e. not medically necessary) to train our brain we are whole and well already. In the long-run, I saved so much from investing in a mind-body coach and I literally got back my life!

I can’t afford coaching right now. What options can you suggest?

Check out my resources and media pages for a host of free videos, books and podcasts that can help you learn and apply these principles. If you want to schedule occasional sessions with me, I can help you troubleshoot, as my availabilitiy allows.

What's your cancellation & refund policy?

I kindly ask that you cancel an appointment within 48 hours of our start time or you will be charged for that session. If there’s an urgent matter, let me know and I will work with you in rescheduling. There are no refunds issued for prepaid monthly programs, although we can reschedule sessions in the case of emergency.

Should I see a mind-body coach or a psychotherapist?

Mind-body coaching is meant for short-term education and meditations in the TMS approach, as coined by John Sarno. It's out of my scope of practice to offer ongoing support for a range of psychological issues, such as depression or anxiety. If you are suffering from a mental health issue, it's best to seek a licensed therapist and I can recommend some in the TMS field.

Yes, we share some of these traits: conscientious, perfectionistic, self-critical or self-pressuring, people with high standards who want to do good and be liked, and have a tendency to hold in emotions. When internal stress builds, it can express physically, especially if it’s not felt emotionally. We also know children who experience neglect or abuse have much higher rates of chronic pain, and other stress-related symptoms, later in life.
